Ganesh Sindhav (Badal)

Ganesh Sindhav (Badal) மாட்ருபர்த்தி சரிபார்ப்பு







உன்னை பற்றி

Ganesh Sindhav "Badal" was born in Zalawad. When he was still a kid, his father let him ride on his shoulder and showed him Gandhiji, something that left a lasting impression on him. Indeed, his deep connection with the Gandhi thought flows parallel to the songs he wrote to celebrate the eternal love of Krishna and Radha. The collection of his romantic songs were published under વેણુ વાગી રે. His other notable contribution is songs for the kids, capturing the joy, innocence, and the sense of wonder of childhood. This genre of songs are published in ગાવ રે ગીત, પપ્પાનો થપ્પો and more. He received the prestigious Gujarat Sahitya Akadami award for his contribution to the literature for children. In total, his published titles are close to 25, which now also include novels, modern અછાંદસ poetry, and books for adults who just learnt how to read. He has been to USA 3 times and wrote a popular travelogue અમેરિકાના અંતરંગ. He has been a teacher his entire life, his students, the primary school teachers have taken hi

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